Tutor Led Online Courses

We provide a full range of tutor led courses both in the classroom or ‘online’ in order to ensure our delegates our provided with the greatest range of options when undertaking their training courses.

Tutor led remote online courses (sometimes called; virtual, remote or online) have been around for many years now but they were really pushed to the forefront in 2020 as a result of the pandemic.

Some delegates have concern about undertaking training in this format particularly if it is totally new to them but there really is nothing to worry about, providing you prepare yourself and ensure your equipment is working correctly prior to the course start date.  At Goldcross we use Microsoft teams as our delivery platform, it is very versatile and easy to use and is available free from here.

Online CITB Course

Hardware\Software Checks

There are a number of checks that you should make prior to booking a tutor led remote online course:

1.  Does your course have any specific requirements i.e. the use of a laptop or PC to provide for examination requirements? Check before you book!

2.  Does your PC/laptop function correctly and does it have a webcam, speakers and microphone in working order?

3.  Does your PC/laptop run Microsoft teams correctly and do you know how to use it? Why not set up an online meeting with a member of the family or a work colleague so that you can check both you hardware and software is operating correctly and that you feel comfortable in using it.

Internet Connectivity

A good internet connection is a must when it comes to online courses and we always recommend that wherever possible delegates utilise a good ethernet connection if it is available. That being said whether you choose ethernet or WIFI you really shouldn’t have any issues if you are all ready using ‘smart devices’ such as TVs, Alexa, Google Nest, etc and they are functioning correctly.

It is however sensible to minimise the risk of your internet ‘going down’ whilst you are undertaking your course or exam i.e. make sure that nobody is using your internet connection to: download, stream films or play online games unless you are 100% sure that you have sufficient bandwidth to do so.


You need to make a decision about where you will complete your training course and it really does need to be somewhere that is both free from distraction and comfortable.

As we said at the onset online training really isn’t that different to normal classroom training, you will still need and be expected to give it your full concentration if you are to succeed in passing the course.

Likewise, you are likely to be sat at a desk or possibly a table for some considerable time so at the very least try and make sure you have an adjustable seat that is designed to provide you with the correct support.  You will of course get comfort breaks just as there is in standard classroom courses.


Doors Open: 08:30am

Point of Contact:

Our Business Manager, Linda, is your point of contact for the centre.

E-Mail: bookings@goldcross-training.com

Tel: 0203 6335505